Oct’23 Edition: Gift Ideas for Star Wars Nerds

My significant other is an extreme star wars nerd who could probably compete in trivia night solely focused on Star Wars. After every episode, he makes us watch the latest easter egg video on YouTube. So if you or someone you know loves Star Wars, then look no further! I am always on the lookout for classy Star Wars themed items to gift to my significant other. Check out my other post for cool Star Wars-themed home goods.

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions and recommendations remain my own.

A New Hope Necklace

This necklace comes with a high quality chain. From afar, it does not blatantly scream Star Wars. The sleek bar look pairs well with many outfits and looks. My significant other loves this necklace because there are times where he wants to pair his love for Star Wars with appearing cool. Even more exciting for him is when he meets a true fan who can recognize what he is wearing.

Vader Ball Mark Stamp

This ball mark stamp is fun for someone who loves Star Wars. To be honest, its not the best for golf since its hard to apply the stamp onto to a round surface, but I like giving it as a gift to be used for other purposes like on cards, letters, and pickleballs. The design of the stamp is a pretty good print.

Check out shopfastgifts.com/for-him-23-11 for my recommendation for a ball mark stamp.

Star Wars Ball Marker and Hat Clip

For nerdy golfers, this ball marker is a fun yet relevant item to keep in the golf bag. I like that it’s small which makes it a great gift for those traveling for the next holidays. If you are a golfer, then the messaging on this ball marker is more amusing to you. I have had my moments where the sand bunkers and bodies of water have gotten the best of me.